Friday, December 30, 2005

Wet World Air Panas, Pedas N9 & BIGGEST FIGHT wif mama..

tekejut ek bace title kat ateh btul pun..

tahla...da xtau cmner nk handle my mom...pusing2 ikut mane pun..last2 d blame is on me..wpun aku sikit pun x slh n klu nk pk2 blek..i wuz d VICTIM...not d pesalah!!! wut papa said..just b patient n calm urself down..mama mmg cmtu...just let it go...x dpt pape pun if'll only make things worse...

hm...guess papa's rite...eventho we r rite..xyahla go tru all d hassle nk menegakkan kebenaran...end up kite gak yg slh... least bile gado2 tu kite realize sumthins yg kite xtau b4 our mom's likes n dislikes....n oso..i get 2 go 2 wet world air panas kat pedas, n9 wif my sis n her family...mmgla pnat nk kne jadik bibik n oso at d same time tryin 2 have fun..but i really enjoyed my time there..main air ngn my nieces..wargh...trase cm jadik bdk kcik lak!!!1st time sewa plampung..n naik kat tmpt yg org salu bratur pjg tu...smate2 nak turun slide yg sgt BESH tuhhhh...haha TRULY AWESOME!!!!

tho i lost my bracelet there..n mcm sume kwn2 my sis oso tried searchin 4 it..(haha...malu je!!!)tp x jumpe gak...n tho i had d worst SUNBURN eva...but i really enjoyed d tiresome...d crowd n d adrenaline...woohooo..nti nak gi lg ahh... =}


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10:56 PM  

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