. . . { a T a M L a G i } . . .
atam in action..me found a polystyrene (betul ke eja nih?) box in front of my hse..(ade jiran2 buang stuffs yg they no longer need kan)..so i had this grreat idea of stuffing my cat into this so-called 'SNOW BOX'..hehehe...wif my phone camera, look how it turned out..
so here are some pics of my cuddly, wobbly and cuteeeee aTaMMMMM!! wink!wink!! (^_^)
"huh..kotak ape nih?? mcm menarik je..."
"huargh...makan 'snow'!!!" --tengok..abis dicakarnye kotak tu..kindof looks like my aTaM playing in snow kan?
"weeee..me in snowland!!" --hehe..
"look!!look!! a squirrel just passed by!!" -- aTaM in an 'ambush' position...ready to strrikee!!
ahernye...'kenyang' dah perut makan sume 'snow' yg ade kat dlm kotak ni!!!" --> dah penat sgt main dalam 'SNOW BOX' la tu !!
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