hurm..lame dh x update eh???waaa...ingtkan keje besh coz dpt gaji n d burden n workload is much2 harder then i expected..even worse than classwork!! (oyyy..mmgla lg susa..if not..its not called WORKLOAD...silly!!!) hehehe...neways...bulan nih naik pangkat...frm accounts n admin asisstant to contract n pricing executive..huehue...bunyik cam grand je eh?? but d raise comes wif tons n tons of additional work!!!!!!! i had to update all d contract rates, hotel rates, n also revise all d quotations given by agents around d WORLD!!!!!!
HUARGH...sgt menduga kesabaran n ketahanan mental beb...mane x nye...blom abish 1 work...dtg lg melambak2 keje...n all needs either prompt or quick reply...aduhhhhhhh...mana bisa dong!!!!
itu blum masuk follow ups from d customers dat d company got during d promotion week at Giant 13 arituh...mcm2 tul diorg ndak..4 packages yg dh ready-made bolela trus email to ' yg xde tu..hav 2 request frm agents n then do costing all over again..n then kne mail back 2 d customers...arghhhh.....ENDLESS series of tasks la...i tell uuuuuu....
NEvertheless.....i guess...d raise dat i got which is frm 850 to 1100...okla kot...bru je kje 2 bulan dh dpt raise eh??hehe..tho lg tgi if i kje ngn a small audit firm...but at least i got 2 experience a whole loads of things ere...d boss is quite ok..x strict sgt..n terms of they'll patiently guide u thru tasks yg u're not familiar kdg2 tu..bile ketenseionan melande diri my bosses..kne gak arr tempias2 marah tu...hehehe...adatla kan... hurm...tho so far,i've not been given ANY accounts-related jobs..(haha..apekah ek??) klaka...accounts grad doin marketing, admin n sales job in a travel agency...hihi!! n kamarul been ok...just dat ade 1 time arituh i nearly decide to call it quits...sbb he hasnt called for like 1 week n not replyin 2 any msgs at i got really pissed off...n i just ignored d FOUR calls he made within d next 3 weeks...(yeah..i know...only FOUR laaa???)...
he told me bout his probs..n his dilemmas...n dat he just cant call or msg me every single day like wut he used 2 do back then..(during d 1st month of our rship)...he himself has made d choice of being d type of bos yg sgt suke 'turun-padang' n monitor his staff's i hv 2 undstd...
wait..did i brief bout our 2nd date??hurm..well..i managed 2 squeeze him out of his bz-ness during d chinese new yr hols..on 31st of jan...we met at klcc..n gosh....SGT RAMAINYE org time tuh!!!!we can barely breath or have a private space 2 sit n talk!!!
well..since he arrived 1 hour late --my mistake, not his...adela kisahnye y i wuz d cause of him coming late 4 our smentare tgu time msuk wyg we jalan2 dlu..then..minum2 jap kat starbucks..(my 1st time masuk starbucks!!) n since he had nvr been 2 d i suggested dat we watched Buli Balik he was so ngade2 xmau tgk citer lain except romantic story...n kbetulan lak on dat day citer lain is either horror or chinese kungfu...( tu la....Buli Balik still xleh lawan BAik Punya Cilok arr...gelak x brenti2!!!--msg 2 lots more films like BPC..not like Buli n Buli Balik...tho it focuses more on morality...but there's not much impact left in d viewer's head after they leave d cinemass<--ahahaa...leh jadik film critics ehh??)
so after tgk wyg..nk g solat ar...n guess wut..he hasnt been to klcc for like 2 yrs n me--3 yrs dh x jejak klcc tau!! leh imagine ak..ala2 cam rusa msuk kg ar gak....heh!!sgt susa nk carik surau tau...we had 2 ask 3 security guards!!!!so then we had lunch at KFC..n SGT2 ramai org gak!!!! so we decided 2 tapau n mamam kat tmn kat lua...haduu..bad choice..sgt ramai 'tourists'..mamat2 n minah2 indon..bangla..u name it laa...mcm2 ada!!!
hehe..neways..we finally managed 2 find a spot n lepak kat situ smpai ptg...then my dad msged me n said i had 2 go back early coz d next day is awal kne balik bc doa tutup buku amalan...n after magrib kne bc doa bukak buku kne rushing balik la plak...huhu..sgt sedey tau ms nk say bye2 kat train...he had 2 go back 2 terminal putra (he drove frm kuantan n parked at gombak..coz he just hates d traffic in kl..) n me had 2 go back 2 s.alam....
i actually cried on d way back in d train..(haha..emotional huh??)
so...mlm td he called n we made a plannings as for now...if there's ever gonna b any'll be after 3 yrs frm now...Y???hehehe...d reasons r only for us 2 know n not for others 2 find out... ;)
to my bestest fwen...hope 2 b at ur engagement this may..n gudlak 4 this sunday..hehehe...i'm d one who's excited la plakkk...ekeke...
to all my fwenz takin acca..gudlak 4 ur exams this june...2 all of u guys yg still having interviews...hope u'll pass d interview wif flying colours...n 2 shera...fwenz 4 eva...sorry 4 evrythg......2 k.ann..tq so much 4 all ur support...preciate it v much...n hope u'll clear it wif abg ree....muah2 2 all...nak continue work nih...since boss outstation tu yg leh nk mronggeng update blog nih keje2 updating files tuh still not buhbye for nowwww.... tataaa ~end
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