statistics shows....very small percentage of survival rate...though surgical is a wise alternative..tp after surgical pun mayb complications can happen...n during healing period..there'll b lots of chemos n radiations...eekkhh...sound so horrifying...those lasers n radiations goin thru d body...xleh ke if x wat chemo after operation??use bel air lah..proven 2 increase health n lower d cancer cells....
stats shown most successful operations can lead 2 a 5-year survival rate....but not all patients r suitable 4 operation...though i did find 1 article sayin dat d tech of today's medical is increasing d chances of survival rate...n one more dat says china is currently d best place 2 go 4 an operation...mind u their tech n wat knots...
a person is showing an interest and willingness TO LIVE if dat person is doing everythg in her/his power to cure d disease...e.g like going 4 checkups n discussions w doctors...n even planning 2 go 2 china 2 hv d operation done there..so dat person WANTS 2 LIVE la,rite??
so d ppl around dat patient SHUD NOT b crying even sad for d patient..coz nti diorg lg sedih...give n say positive things, remarks...cheerful greetings..messages...n WAIT 4 em 2 be healthy again...
sama2 kita doakan moga dipanjangkan umur n disembuhkan spenuhnya dr pnyakit......amin!
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