well...its saturday..7th April 2007..my born day...yayyyy!!
haha..it sorta started wif a boring, tiring working saturday...got a group of armies to KK n Zamboanga on Monday..so kene prepare all out la kan...suddenly in d middle of meeting ngan bosses, my phone bunyik sms...(time tu dah kul 1 pm..perut dh bkeroncong seh..tapi tpakse tahan gak..haha) ...bile i mtk excuse to go to toilet (pdhal nak pi tgk sms)...tgk2 i got 1 sms frm kak aNNe n abg Yat..asking me to go out for lunch...huhu..btape gundah gulanyenye hati ni...so dgn sedihnye tpakse lah reply "kak N...katy xleh nak kua kot...meeting x abis lg ni...tapi if u guys nak amik brg yg u ol kirim kat beijing tu, u ol dtgla, i'll just drop it kejap downstairs.."
then suddenly kak aNNe replied "alaaa...bising lagila abg yat ni ha...mane xnye...adik dia sorang neh asyik bz ajerk....arituh dah postpone..ni postpone lagi..." --alamak...serbe slhnyeee....xleh jadi ni....gotta think of sumtinh...
and so this happened.."kak ida, can i be excused during this lunch hour? ade lunch date ar..membe nak blanje makan..pls??" then she go talk to her dad; d big boss...n guess wat he said "oooooo....hari ni u're bday ya?? okey..go lah..but must come back to finish all this.." --yayyyyyy!!!
so then i went to lunch at tepi tasik (tgh2 panas terik okey) haha...tapi we ol duk bwh pokok...they bought kfc for me and asked me to tgu kat bwh pokok..we ol slalu lepak kat situ dlu2 bg ikan n tuntung roti...so i pun duk la smbil replying sms frm my fwenz yg wish my bday when suddenly...........................
"happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you...happy birthday to kathy...happy birthday to youuuu" ---- aaaaaaaaa abg yat wif a box of cake in his hands; candles lighted and a shoe box in kak anne's...kak anne jerit2 "cepat2 tiup lilin tuuu!! and here's a present for u...teka ape dlm niii??"---n dgn jujurnye bday girl jawap "kasutlaaa....kan kotak kasut tuuu" (wpun dlm hati ni mcm pelik apsal la x balut kotak ni?? bg cmtu je...kot ye pun nak direct, agak2la kan...) n dgn senyuman yg sgt manis kak anne pun jwp 'haaa bagus2....pandai teka...bukakla cpattt!!"
bday gurl pun bukak la....jeng jeng jeng...."miawwwww"---AAAAAAA...kucingggggg!!!!!!!!omigoshhh...there's a cute lil orange-coloured kitten inside!!!!!!!!!

hehe...ni la "BeToT"!!!!!!

the cake and d kitten...awwww cute!!!!!

seriously tkejut tau kak anne...but thanks...thank you so so much for the present...it really did cheer me up....dgn all d work pilez...tensed n omost died brain cells (haha).....u truly made my day la my dear sis n bro!!!

mucho mucho gracias for d bestest bday bash..EVER!!
(kudos to kak aNNe for taking this great pic...hehe)