Thursday, January 26, 2006

he spoke to my parents!!!!!!!

ehehehe.....last nite g tgk wyg kat klcc wif my dad got free tickets 2 c "memoirs of a geisha' me n mama tag along bro wuz bz wif his haha pdn muke xdpt gi...hihi!!!

so...on d kat dlm precious bee called (unexpectedly...sbb ptg tu bru je dia call me!!) tgh borak2 n dh cite psl me goin 2 d movies wif mom n dad...suddenly he asked 2 speak 2 my mom...(WHATT????) i wuz so tkejut n so x tau nk i just said NO..xboleh...x ready lg kott!!...then he sounded dissapointed n he hung up...(huarghhh..dh sgt panik time nih!!) so i sent a msg 2 cidah..n she said "bagi jelaaaaa!!!dh dia yg nk ckp...wutever ur parents nyer reaction tu blkg citerr daaa"--n so...i sent another msg 2 him askin him 2 call me back...dat is if he still wants 2 talk 2 mama....n HE DID!!! dgn gamblenye...i gave my fon 2 mama..n both of em actually talked!!!eheks...i m just so takutt n giggling mcm org x btull time then after finished talkin 2 my mom he said "hmm..ok...wa...bole ajak borak ar mama ek??"--ihihikk...sukanya dia!!

then titibe i felt like xkan nk bg dia ckp wif my mom je kan??my dad??so i gave d fon 2 papa....n my dad mcm agak reluctant ar at 1st 2 talk 2 at d end of d conversation my dad said "thanks 4 calling"..ehehekk...n my bee's reply wuz "waaa....speaking papa ngn abg ek??hihiiii"--hehe...another triumphant moment 4 him!!!

so..after dat...we talked a while bout where me n my folks r goin (2 klcc cinema la kan...) ...n he said "beshnyeee...abg x nah g tgk wyg tau..mmg x nah msuk panggung lgsg!!" alaaa....shiannye diaa...2 bz 2 even haf time 2 go watch i replied "hurm...xpe2...nanti monday kite g nengok wyg yek???"..."hehe....ok syggg..." --awwwwwwww....hihihii...

tp suddenly plak my mom bru ckp td yg weekend ni kne blek kg coz my uwan is sakit...n then on tuesday d 31st lak ade kduri gak kat kg...(huargh....leh ke blek s.alam nk g dating on monday???) tghari g gayut jap ngn my dad kat public fon...n we actually DID PLAN 4 me 2 b able 2 go out on monday...papa's plan wuz dat i have 2 really b a darling kat kg...tolong2 n urut wan n all...n then on sunday nite we (either just me n my dad or my bro skali) balik s.alam jap..n then monday nite or tuesday morning go back 2 kg again....hurm..sounds reasonable nuff??just hope dat mama bg balik on sunday mlm....pray hard,huh???????

Monday, January 23, 2006


statistics shows....very small percentage of survival rate...though surgical is a wise after surgical pun mayb complications can happen...n during healing period..there'll b lots of chemos n radiations...eekkhh...sound so horrifying...those lasers n radiations goin thru d body...xleh ke if x wat chemo after operation??use bel air lah..proven 2 increase health n lower d cancer cells....

stats shown most successful operations can lead 2 a 5-year survival rate....but not all patients r suitable 4 operation...though i did find 1 article sayin dat d tech of today's medical is increasing d chances of survival rate...n one more dat says china is currently d best place 2 go 4 an operation...mind u their tech n wat knots...

a person is showing an interest and willingness TO LIVE if dat person is doing everythg in her/his power to cure d disease...e.g like going 4 checkups n discussions w doctors...n even planning 2 go 2 china 2 hv d operation done dat person WANTS 2 LIVE la,rite??

so d ppl around dat patient SHUD NOT b crying even sad for d patient..coz nti diorg lg sedih...give n say positive things, remarks...cheerful greetings..messages...n WAIT 4 em 2 be healthy again...

sama2 kita doakan moga dipanjangkan umur n disembuhkan spenuhnya dr pnyakit......amin!

Friday, January 20, 2006

what's wrong wif me????

napa ni.....i still cant figure out y m i missin him so much....x brenti2 kcau dia minggu ni...bile krdt da bis..i called pkai public...sanggup hari2 korek syiling kat opis...kutip kat every single one person available.....then kat umah pun tiap2 ari balik keje pun nk call gak..just 2 hear his voice...just 2 know dat he's alrite....isk....y m i like this??

n rite now i'm watchin a movie on 8...bout a guy who's dying of a cancer...he's such a doll...did everything possible 2 make sure his wife is alrite...he treats her like a diamond...wife dia xtau msk..dia yg mskkan...

n yet d guy yg kne cancer...IS THERE EVER A RULE IN LIFE DAT SAYS dat d good one alwiz hv 2 2 b taken away EARLY than supposed????!!!!!!!!!...y do life hv 2 b so UNFAIR?????

d wife doesnt want 2 lose her hubby....dats 4 plz GOD.....LET HIM LIVE.....please...........!!!!!!

deep thoughts...

tgh i really willing 2 work here LONG??ntahla...sumhow bile dh involve 4 quite sum time doin ACTUAL work in an organisation...i'm kinda gettin bored oredi la... so HOW??ntahla...d thot of actually gettin up early in d morning...FOR EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE...kinda sound like HELL kot....aduu..dhla kene keje under sumone..instead of them workin 4 me....hurm....sume2 nih membuatkan diri ini tertanye2 n terwonder2...coz i cud easily get a MUCH BETTER n much much MORE income..(mind u triple n zillionth time more!!) by juz doin BEL AIR!!!i know its a network marketing (not MLM yaa) it has d most beneficial profit margin n oso marketing plan...(i finally understood it after my bro explainin it 2 me 4 d zillionth time!!hehehe...i ni mmg lambat sket la...)...

so...c how things go tu arr...interest in accounts r no longer there...m thinkin of pursuin work in d education line instead...lecturer ke...kindergarten teacher ke...or maybe juz a volunteer at any vet centre...those r d only jobs yg i find will b comfortin n enjoyin 2 work on la kot...hurmm..??? ~end

Thursday, January 19, 2006

chinese new year la kot...

smlm blek keje gayut ngn abg m goin out 4 a date this chinese new year..yela..sume staf dia pun cuti.. i supposed clients dier pon of cosla cuti gak he's available laaa....n me cuti frm monday 2 wednesday...ehehehe....but then nk jumpe katner n bile ek...ingat nk go jln2 kat klcc nk piker psl alasan nk kua lagik...adu...fenin2...hmmm....sape2 yg baca this entry sudi2kanla membagi idea kpd ku yerk..

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

ngape nihh...???

adushh...ngape tah...rindu banget...x ilang2 rindu ni haa..reda pun idak...duk rindu tahap maksima je manjang....dulu reti gak nk nyampah n majuk smpai seminggu x msg or call udah xleh nk wat dh....msti gak nk try call or msg smpai mslhnye bile dh dpt ckp dia plak mmg kebetulan ngah btul2 bz or ngah pnat mmg dia x akan fokus sgt to wat i m mumbling or sayin or mournin n complainin cmne....nak mereng dh asyik merindu ni...aduuu.....RINDUNYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

GoOd N SaD NeWs..

GoOd NeWs??--m enjoyin my 1st two days at MaGNa BRiDGe TRaVeL n TouRs..yela..dok nengok tmpt2 travel je...putih mateku nk memilih..hihi...udah gatall sunguhh ndak kawin nehh...ekeke...

erm..okey...xleh mengulor lame2 ni...ermm..owh...n lom cite psl BaD NeWs lg eh??erm...xmau citer ah kat sinih..very2 personal matter..jus dat m praying hard 4 my hubby's best of u bee...

Friday, January 06, 2006

da DPT keje!!!!

hehe...hihi...da dpt keje...kat blkg umah je..kat bgnn umno tu...keje ngn travel agency...a multi-tasking job ar...sume pun kne wat...n v limited accounting jobs kot...sbb its my dad's fren's nyer agak da ader rship yg baik la kot...(n now i'm worried bout my MIA status...kne keje 3 thn ngn odit firm or fully doin accounting job bru qualify)...n ni travel agency??hm...tgkla cmner...c how thing tu la...for a salary of 850...will it b worth it 2 work there??yah..sure experience mmg akan dpt SGT BYK...sbb nti akan deal wif clients....wif tourists ciming frm overseas...hehhehee...n hopefully leh survey bestest place 2 go 4 honeymoon eh???muahahahaaaaa... ;)

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

bukan avoiding..he left his phone at home...silly me!!

hm...he wuz not avoiding me la...he forgot 2 bring his phone 2 his office dat day...wa...malunyee...i left like what...20 msscalls kot??n 10 msgs??n he had no idea at all of wut he has done smpai i acted dat when i told him bout my serba salah-ness regarding our x-jadi-date...he said "dah2...kita tutup buku..xmau ckp dh psl tu...abg x marah..abg cuma tulis je mcm tu dlm msg...xde..abg x trase apape...dah2..jgn piker apape k??nti abg try make plans 2 c u a.s.a.p...k?dah2...abg tgh drive ni..ujan lebat sgt2..(very true coz i cud hear drops of heavy rain at d back of his voice)..ok...ayg jg diri leklok ek?i love u...akum"

hm...does dat sound sincere nuff??did he really meant wut he said???yg dia x trase n all??hehe...liar..i know dia dia sj je xmo tunjuk...enihow...mmg this is my true hard n as bitter as it gonna b...he has 2 b able 2 learn 2 accept it...n try 2 undstand...if dia x leh...then sorry la...he's gonna hav 2 find another girl..(was dat really me???huaaaa...tidakkk....xmauu org lain..nk abg gakkkkk...hihi..)tp seriously...i hope he understands...

so erm...2 a v special buddy of mine...sorry shera...if i've hurt u...didnt mean wuz me n emotions n pms...great combination,huh??

n 2 shidah...dont regret n balme urself 4 ruining d wasnt suppose 2 b thot of in d 1st place...totallly wrong plan...well..guess i jus gotta c how thing goes...interview tomoro...(i'll keep u guys posted on d outcome tomoro,eh?).....n sending resume 2 a travel agency near my house nxt week kot...c how things settle ar ek...end~

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

x jadi date...

tgh sgt sedih..dahla x jadi he's been avoiding me...x reply 1 msg pun..n he's not even picking up any of my calls...where did i went wrong??..wuz i wrong when i asked opinions of my frens n sort of asking 4 their permission 2 go on a 3-day date wif my bee??nk slhkan my bro 4 buyin me d topup which had lead me 2 announcin bout d interview i'm goin 4 this sunday2 my frens...n i wuz d FOOLISH one in deciding 2 blab out bout my planned date...if i didnt have d credits at dat point of time msti d date is still gonna b on nk slhkan my bro plak?haha...very cunning of me...ITS YOUR OWN FAULT...SILLY!!!! owh...n of cosla my frens tu said NO 2 d idea....but then y didnt my bee tried 2 understand my acts of sharing facts n moments of our dates wif my fwenz???instead he sulked n totally cancelled d whole thing off...mcm la i did salah yg sgt besa....then again if i didnt tell bout my so-called date....wud i b happy n contended goin 4 a date by sort-of-lying to my parents??i mean i wont b totally there wud b an involvement of an official letter....then again.... it so bad dat i share stories of my precious moments wif my bee wif my fwenz??y cant he just understand dat dats part of me dat i cant stop doin??y cant he just continued d plan as it wuz??didnt he had thot of d assumptions dat my frens wud b sayin way b4 he had laid out d plan 4 me???n now nk cancell d whole damn thing off jus coz i babbled a few words 2 my fwens n he is afraid of wut theyre gonna say??

yeah..maybe i had confused him more when i called him n said dat y shouldnt we jus continue d plan like it shud b......n now he must think of me as a moron...yela..kejap ckp tu..kejap ckp ni....mane 1 ni????but.......doesnt he miss me?doesnt it hurts him dat he wont b able 2 c me??owh yeah...n d next plan of his of coming 4 a bsns deal or trip 2 k.l or s.alam n meetin me jus 4 lunch or a 1-day out will totally work out laa??y d hell didnt he thot of D 2ND PLAN WAYY B4 HE MADE D 1ST PLANNNNN?????!!!!!!even if he is here in s.alam...wud i have a justified enuf reason 2 make mama gv me d prmission 2 go out???n wut...i'm supposed 2 use d alasan of "nk gi itm" again??????same je kan--LYING osoooooooo....

tahla...sgt sedih kot.....wonder when m i gonna b able 2 meet him...just hope dat when d time finally comes...i wont forget how he looks like...........

to shera...i hope u r happy dat i'm NOT going....u won...n i lost...n i mite jus hav d probability of bein single again....gosh....damn....

Sunday, January 01, 2006

ResuLTs OuT..HuHu..n MaNaGeD 2 GeT aN iNTeRVieW WiF iT!!!!!owh...n 1 more thing...planned date wif my bee...heheheheee

hurm..yeap..i got 2.86 for my final cgpa degree...n yes..i know its not gud nuff but i'm proud of it....ntah...eventho sikit n sgt x memberangsangkan di mata dan telinga my future employers..let alone my i dunno..i m juz DAMN PROUD of it....pelik ek....

enihow...i've managed 2 get an interview at a non-audit firm...NBC Advisory damansara thursday...4 d position of Accounts Exec...yeah i v far frm s.alam...but i'm still goin 4 d interview tho..4 d sake of familiarizing maself 2 interviews..haha tatut!!!!!

wish i cud describe d feelin when i got d fon call frm mr.tony...well actually i've already seen his number d day x smpat angkat..n so i just assumed it wuz another anonymous miss caller...haha tp d nxt day when he called again n d minute i heard d words of.."HELLO...MAY I SPEAK TO MISS SITI???"---ahahahahhhhhh aku sgt trillllllllllllllllll.....ahernyeeee setelah menghantar like 15 resumes kot...n i finally got a resulttttt (haha...yela2...mcm x bebaloi ek..anta 15..baru dapek its d effort n emotion dat countssss...yearghhhh!!!!x dpt nk didescribekan kepuasan ati yg i'd gone thruuuuu..huhuuuuu)

oppss..sorie...ter over emo 2 my date story...erm...i'm supposed 2 hav a date ...well..not really A date...its more like a 3-days-date...wif my bee....hurm..i'm not gonna post d details of d date or d means of gettin approval 4 d it has made me 2 b in a constant fightin n arguing mode wif most of my frens ...diorg sume x kasik....4 reasons i m v well aware of...which has made my bee ala2 mrajuk dh...he seems 2 not want 2 proceed wif d idea duk kat TENGAH2...N SGT SUSANYE NK JAGA HATI EVERY ONE!!!!!!!tp...tgkla dlu cmner ek guys...

hopefully dptla gi...n my bee x majuk dh......ishk..kena pujok thp cipan ar nihhh....ARGHHHH!!!!!