he spoke to my parents!!!!!!!
ehehehe.....last nite g tgk wyg kat klcc wif my parents..my dad got free tickets 2 c "memoirs of a geisha'.....so me n mama tag along ah...my bro wuz bz wif his appoinments...so haha pdn muke xdpt gi...hihi!!!
so...on d way..ms kat dlm keta...my precious bee called (unexpectedly...sbb ptg tu bru je dia call me!!) so..ms tgh borak2 n dh cite psl me goin 2 d movies wif mom n dad...suddenly he asked 2 speak 2 my mom...(WHATT????) i wuz so tkejut n so x tau nk wtpe..so i just said NO..xboleh...x ready lg kott!!...then he sounded dissapointed n sedih...so he hung up...(huarghhh..dh sgt panik time nih!!) so i sent a msg 2 cidah..n she said "bagi jelaaaaa!!!dh dia yg nk ckp...wutever ur parents nyer reaction tu blkg citerr daaa"--n so...i sent another msg 2 him askin him 2 call me back...dat is if he still wants 2 talk 2 mama....n HE DID!!!
hihi...so dgn gamblenye...i gave my fon 2 mama..n both of em actually talked!!!eheks...i m just so takutt n giggling mcm org x btull time nih....so then after finished talkin 2 my mom he said "hmm..ok...wa...bole ajak borak ar mama ek??"--ihihikk...sukanya dia!!
then titibe i felt like xkan nk bg dia ckp wif my mom je kan??my dad??so i gave d fon 2 papa....n my dad mcm agak reluctant ar at 1st 2 talk 2 him...tp at d end of d conversation my dad said "thanks 4 calling"..ehehekk...n my bee's reply wuz "waaa....speaking papa ngn abg ek??hihiiii"--hehe...another triumphant moment 4 him!!!
so..after dat...we talked a while bout where me n my folks r goin (2 klcc cinema la kan...) ...n he said "beshnyeee...abg x nah g tgk wyg tau..mmg x nah msuk panggung lgsg!!" alaaa....shiannye diaa...2 bz 2 even haf time 2 go watch moviesss..so i replied "hurm...xpe2...nanti monday kite g nengok wyg yek???"..."hehe....ok syggg..." --awwwwwwww....hihihii...
tp suddenly plak my mom bru ckp td yg weekend ni kne blek kg coz my uwan is sakit...n then on tuesday d 31st lak ade kduri gak kat kg...(huargh....leh ke blek s.alam nk g dating on monday???) so...td tghari g gayut jap ngn my dad kat public fon...n we actually DID PLAN 4 me 2 b able 2 go out on monday...papa's plan wuz dat i have 2 really b a darling kat kg...tolong2 n urut wan n all...n then on sunday nite we (either just me n my dad or my bro skali) balik s.alam jap..n then monday nite or tuesday morning go back 2 kg again....hurm..sounds reasonable nuff??just hope dat mama bg balik on sunday mlm....pray hard,huh???????